Where can I find free plastic surgery?

We are sometimes asked by patients, "where can I find free plastic surgery". It can be difficult to find free plastic surgery. Most insurance plans do not cover any types of cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery. As a result [...]

Are Garments Important After Liposuction?

We sometimes have liposuction surgery patients that call our office after their procedure, during their recovery and ask "are garments important after liposuction" and our answer is simple. The purpose of the garment is to support the treated area [...]

By |2025-01-25T17:34:13+00:00March 14th, 2011|Body Plastic Surgery|

Unwanted Fat Can Be Transferred!

Even though the recent advancements in transferring fat has made the procedure common place for many plastic surgeons, many of my patients are surprised to learn that their unwanted fat can be transferred to areas of their body that [...]

By |2025-01-25T17:39:56+00:00February 22nd, 2011|Body Plastic Surgery, Breast Plastic Surgery|

Pregnancy After a Tummy Tuck

During tummy tuck consultations, I am often asked about pregnancy after a tummy tuck. After fully recovering from a tummy tuck, it is ok to get pregnant. Patients who get pregnant after a tummy tuck are no different than women [...]

Deciding to Have Plastic Surgery?

Deciding to have plastic surgery can be a difficult decision for some people. It's because there are a number of factors that people tend to concern themselves with. There are those who spend their whole lives putting others needs [...]

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