Pregnancy After a Tummy Tuck

During tummy tuck consultations, I am often asked about pregnancy after a tummy tuck. After fully recovering from a tummy tuck, it is ok to get pregnant. Patients who get pregnant after a tummy tuck are no different than women [...]

Do Breast Implants Cause Rare Diseases?

Countless studies around the world have been performed to answer the question; "do breast implants cause rare diseases". After significant research on this question and caring for hundreds of my own patients for over 20 years, I see little [...]

When Does Swelling Disappear After a Facelift?

Most of our facelift / rhytidectomy patients ask; "when does swelling disappear after a facelift"? This is a perfectly reasonable question. People often have to concern themselves with time out of work or want to be looking back to [...]

Can Mammograms Rupture Breast Implants?

I was recently asked by a patient, "can mammograms rupture breast implants? The answer is, it depends. To determine if there is the possibility of breast implants rupturing during a mammogram, I would  consider the age, type and brand [...]

How Many CC’s is a Bra Cup Size?

Breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters or cc’s as is standard practice in the medical industry. However, women do not by bras based on CC's, they buy bras based on cup size and very often base their size [...]

The Difference Between Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery

There are many web sites and organizations out there today that explain the difference between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. While the term plastic surgery is used loosely by many to describe surgical procedures that alter or change a [...]

By |2024-09-24T23:55:37+00:00January 28th, 2011|Common Plastic Surgery Questions, Uncategorized|

How Long Does It Take For Breast Implants To Drop?

Most women are eager for their implants to drop after their breast augmentation procedure. The majority of our breast augmentation patients ask how long does it take for breast implants to drop. The answer for each person is a [...]

How Soon Can I Exercise After Breast Augmentation?

A lot of my patients ask; "how soon can I exercise after breast augmentation"? I advise my breast augmentation patients that it usually varies by person. I am a firm believer in early motion and stretching, and recommend that [...]

How Long Can You Keep The Same Implants?

So, you wonder how long can you keep the same implants. I always tell my patients as long as you are happy with them and there are no signs of a rupture.  As time goes on, with most breast implants, [...]

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

From the breast-enhancing exercises practiced by tween girls, to the buxom cover girls and actresses plastered all over magazines, television and the Internet. It is no wonder why so many women and men are obsessed with breast size. With [...]

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