Even though the recent advancements in transferring fat has made the procedure common place for many plastic surgeons, many of my patients are surprised to learn that their unwanted fat can be transferred to areas of their body that could be enhanced with some natural volume. Today this idea is more of a reality than ever before.

Unwanted Fat Can Be TransferredWhen fat transfer began, little was know about how to successfully transfer fat from one area of the body to another. As a result, transferred fat was damaged and most of the fat cells would not survive the transfer and be absorbed by the body. Today however, technology has advanced significantly. Not only do we now have the clinical knowledge of how to help keep transferred fat alive after transfer, we have technology such as platelet rich plasma, (PRP) and other nutrients that help transferred fat survive transfer.

Today unwanted fat can be transferred and used as a natural filler for lines and creases in the face and to plump lips. Transferred fat can also be used to create volume and symmetry with breast augmentations and even to enhance one’s bottom; the Brazilian butt lift.

If you have unwanted fat and would like to learn more about how it can be moved and used as a natural cosmetic filler, schedule a consultation and I will explain how and why fat transfer has become a very viable option in cosmetic surgery.

Schedule A Personal Consultation.


First Coast Plastic Surgery is one of your best options for Jacksonville plastic surgery and med spa treatments. Dr. Csikai is a highly trained and experienced board certified plastic surgeon who is very attentive to his patient’s goals and desires. Meet with Dr. Csikai and you will quickly learn why he is one of Northeast Florida’s most sought after plastic surgeons.

Schedule A Personal Consultation.


First Coast Plastic Surgery is one of your best options for Jacksonville plastic surgery and med spa treatments. Dr. Csikai is a highly trained and experienced board certified plastic surgeon who is very attentive to his patient’s goals and desires. Meet with Dr. Csikai and you will quickly learn why he is one of Northeast Florida’s most sought after plastic surgeons.