How Soon Can I Exercise After Breast Augmentation?

A lot of my patients ask; "how soon can I exercise after breast augmentation"? I advise my breast augmentation patients that it usually varies by person. I am a firm believer in early motion and stretching, and recommend that [...]

How Long Can You Keep The Same Implants?

So, you wonder how long can you keep the same implants. I always tell my patients as long as you are happy with them and there are no signs of a rupture.  As time goes on, with most breast implants, [...]

Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

From the breast-enhancing exercises practiced by tween girls, to the buxom cover girls and actresses plastered all over magazines, television and the Internet. It is no wonder why so many women and men are obsessed with breast size. With [...]

What Is The Average Cost Of A Facelift?

Over the years, I have been asked countless times, "what is the average cost of a facelift?" The truth is, there is no specific answer to this question. It's because every face is different. And every facelift has to [...]

By |2024-09-24T22:40:43+00:00December 24th, 2010|Facial Plastic Surgery, Uncategorized|

Saline Versus Silicone Breast Implants

During initial consultation with patients who are interested in a breast augmentation or breast lift procedure, my patients commonly ask about saline versus silicone breast implants. While most of my patients ultimately choose silicone and shaped gel implants, many [...]

By |2024-09-23T21:26:12+00:00December 24th, 2010|Breast Plastic Surgery, Uncategorized|

Abdominal Muscle Tightness After Tummy Tuck Surgery

It is common to experience abdominal muscle tightness after tummy tuck surgery. You will probably recall how I or your plastic surgeon explained prior to your surgery that your abdominal muscles will likely be tightened during tummy tuck or [...]

By |2024-09-23T19:16:39+00:00December 24th, 2010|Body Plastic Surgery, Uncategorized|
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