Liposuction in Jacksonville, Florida

Liposuction in Jacksonville, Florida

Liposuction is a procedure used to remove unwanted fat using a vacuum wand that is inserted through small incisions around the areas to be treated. The most common areas of treatment are the torso, (Abdomen, sides and back), hips, thighs, and upper arms. Liposuction is the perfect solution for those stubborn areas of fat that refuses to respond to diet and exercise.

If you’re considering a liposuction in Jacksonville, the following information provides details about the type of liposuction that Dr. Csikai provides, preparing for the procedure, anesthesia, and recovering after the procedure. This information is a high level overview because every patient is different and has different goals. And Dr. Csikai will adjust the liposuction procedure to achieve your specific goals.

Key Topics

Liposuction in Jacksonville at First Coast Plastic Surgery

Liposuction in Jacksonville, Florida

Liposuction is a procedure used to remove unwanted fat using a vacuum wand that is inserted through small incisions around the areas to be treated. The most common areas of treatment are the torso, (Abdomen, sides and back), hips, thighs, and upper arms. Liposuction is the perfect solution for those stubborn areas of fat that refuses to respond to diet and exercise.

If you’re considering a liposuction in Jacksonville, the following information provides details about the type of liposuction that Dr. Csikai provides, preparing for the procedure, anesthesia, and recovering after the procedure. This information is a high level overview because every patient is different and has different goals. And Dr. Csikai will adjust the liposuction procedure to achieve your specific goals.

Nose Surgery in Jacksonville, Florida at First Coast Plastic Surgery

Liposuction in Jacksonville, Florida

Liposuction is a procedure used to remove unwanted fat using a vacuum wand that is inserted through small incisions around the areas to be treated. The most common areas of treatment are the torso, (Abdomen, sides and back), hips, thighs, and upper arms. Liposuction is the perfect solution for those stubborn areas of fat that refuses to respond to diet and exercise.

If you’re considering a liposuction in Jacksonville, the following information provides details about the type of liposuction that Dr. Csikai provides, preparing for the procedure, anesthesia, and recovering after the procedure. This information is a high level overview because every patient is different and has different goals. And Dr. Csikai will adjust the liposuction procedure to achieve your specific goals.

Nose Surgery in Jacksonville, Florida at First Coast Plastic Surgery

Key Topics

Is Liposuction Right For Me?

To be a good candidate for liposuction in Jacksonville at First Coast Plastic Surgery, you should have realistic expectations about what the liposuction procedure can do for you. It’s important to understand that while liposuction can help you eliminate stubborn areas of fat that have not responded to your diet and exercise efforts, enhance your appearance and self confidence, it will not change your personal conduct with respect to healthy eating and exercise. Before you decide to have liposuction, think carefully about the commitments you will need to make to yourself in order to maintain your new look.

The best candidates for liposuction are normal weight people with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. You should also be physically healthy. Age is not a major consideration. However, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not achieve the same results as a younger patient with tighter skin.

Is Liposuction Right For Me?

Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction

To be a good candidate for liposuction in Jacksonville at First Coast Plastic Surgery, you should have realistic expectations about what the liposuction procedure can do for you. It’s important to understand that while liposuction can help you eliminate stubborn areas of fat that have not responded to your diet and exercise efforts, enhance your appearance and self confidence, it will not change your personal conduct with respect to healthy eating and exercise. Before you decide to have liposuction, think carefully about the commitments you will need to make to yourself in order to maintain your new look.

The best candidates for liposuction are normal weight people with firm, elastic skin who have pockets of excess fat in certain areas. You should also be physically healthy. Age is not a major consideration. However, older patients may have diminished skin elasticity and may not achieve the same results as a younger patient with tighter skin.


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About Liposuction in Jacksonville

By David N. Csikai, M.D.

Your Initial Consultation

In your initial liposuction consultation, Dr. Csikai will want to hear your goals and clearly understand what you would like to change about your appearance. He will also evaluate your health, determine where your fat deposits lie and assess the condition of your skin. After Dr. Csikai determines that your goals are realistic and that you are a good candidate for liposuction, he will explain the liposuction procedure and answer any questions that you might have.

It is also important to understand that liposuction may not be the most effective or applicable plastic surgery procedure for you. Factors such as having multiple procedures at the same time, your body weight and safety factors my move Dr. Csikai to recommend a tummy tuck rather than liposuction. In the end, it’s about helping you achieve your goals as safely as possible.

If you and Dr. Csikai agree that liposuction is right for you, a surgery coordinator will provide you with detailed information about preparing for the procedure, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins, supplements and medications. If you smoke, it is especially important to stop smoking at least a week or two before your surgery and during your recovery period. Smoking inhibits blood flow to the skin, and can slow your recovery and affect your final results. In preparing for your liposuction in Jacksonville, be sure to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home after your surgery.

About The Liposuction Procedure

The liposuction procedure is performed at First Coast Plastic Surgery’s on-site state licensed ambulatory surgical center. Patient’s are usually placed under general anesthesia. However, some minor liposuction procedures can be performed under sedation and local anesthesia. This is a decision that will have been discussed and made during the initial consultation.

Liposuction is a procedure in which fat is removed to reshape and recontour one or more areas of the body. The time required to perform the procedure is depended on the amount of excess fat to be removed and the number of areas being treated. But there are safety limits to the amount of fat that can be removed in a single procedure and liposuction procedures are usually completed in less than three hours.

Tumescent Liposuction

You may have heard or seen advertising about “tumescent liposuction” insinuating that it was a better or more advanced form of liposuction. The truth is, tumescent fluid has been being used in all forms of liposuction since before the 70’s and makes today’s forms of liposuction very safe and minimally invasive. Tumescent fluid is a combination of saline, lidocaine, (a local anesthetic) and epinephrine, (a drug that contracts blood vessels). This injected mixture helps prepare the fat to be removed more easily and replaces fluids that will be removed during liposuction, reduces blood loss and provides anesthesia during and immediately after surgery. Tumescent fluid also helps reduce the amount of bruising after surgery.

The Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Csikai uses an advanced form of liposuction called “PAL”. PAL is an acronym for Power Assisted Liposuction. The PAL system uses a narrow vacuum tube call a cannula connected to a medical grade vacuum pump like traditional liposuction systems, but the PAL system’s cannula vibrates and can be adjusted. This allows Dr. Csikai to more accurately break up and remove fat.

After the tumescent injections, liposuction begins and is performed by inserting the cannula through small strategically placed incisions and unwanted fat at is vacuumed from beneath the skin. The vibrating cannula is maneuvered through the fat layer to break up the fat cells and vacuum them out. When liposuction is complete, the incisions are sutured and the patient is moved to the recovery area and is usually released to go home within a few hours.

About Liposuction in Jacksonville

Your Initial Consultation

In your initial liposuction consultation, Dr. Csikai will want to hear your goals and clearly understand what you would like to change about your appearance. He will also evaluate your health, determine where your fat deposits lie and assess the condition of your skin. After Dr. Csikai determines that your goals are realistic and that you are a good candidate for liposuction, he will explain the liposuction procedure and answer any questions that you might have.

It is also important to understand that liposuction may not be the most effective or applicable plastic surgery procedure for you. Factors such as having multiple procedures at the same time, your body weight and safety factors my move Dr. Csikai to recommend a tummy tuck rather than liposuction. In the end, it’s about helping you achieve your goals as safely as possible.

If you and Dr. Csikai agree that liposuction is right for you, a surgery coordinator will provide you with detailed information about preparing for the procedure, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins, supplements and medications. If you smoke, it is especially important to stop smoking at least a week or two before your surgery and during your recovery period. Smoking inhibits blood flow to the skin, and can slow your recovery and affect your final results. In preparing for your liposuction in Jacksonville, be sure to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home after your surgery.

About The Liposuction Procedure

The liposuction procedure is performed at First Coast Plastic Surgery’s on-site state licensed ambulatory surgical center. Patient’s are usually placed under general anesthesia. However, some minor liposuction procedures can be performed under sedation and local anesthesia. This is a decision that will have been discussed and made during the initial consultation.

Liposuction is a procedure in which fat is removed to reshape and recontour one or more areas of the body. The time required to perform the procedure is depended on the amount of excess fat to be removed and the number of areas being treated. But there are safety limits to the amount of fat that can be removed in a single procedure and liposuction procedures are usually completed in less than three hours.

Tumescent Liposuction

You may have heard or seen advertising about “tumescent liposuction” insinuating that it was a better or more advanced form of liposuction. The truth is, tumescent fluid has been being used in all forms of liposuction since before the 70’s and makes today’s forms of liposuction very safe and minimally invasive. Tumescent fluid is a combination of saline, lidocaine, (a local anesthetic) and epinephrine, (a drug that contracts blood vessels). This injected mixture helps prepare the fat to be removed more easily and replaces fluids that will be removed during liposuction, reduces blood loss and provides anesthesia during and immediately after surgery. Tumescent fluid also helps reduce the amount of bruising after surgery.

The Liposuction Procedure

Dr. Csikai uses an advanced form of liposuction called “PAL”. PAL is an acronym for Power Assisted Liposuction. The PAL system uses a narrow vacuum tube call a cannula connected to a medical grade vacuum pump like traditional liposuction systems, but the PAL system’s cannula vibrates and can be adjusted. This allows Dr. Csikai to more accurately break up and remove fat.

After the tumescent injections, liposuction begins and is performed by inserting the cannula through small strategically placed incisions and unwanted fat at is vacuumed from beneath the skin. The vibrating cannula is maneuvered through the fat layer to break up the fat cells and vacuum them out. When liposuction is complete, the incisions are sutured and the patient is moved to the recovery area and is usually released to go home within a few hours.

Recovery After Liposuction

During recover after most liposuction procedures, patients usually experience some fluid drainage from the incisions. Occasionally, a small drainage tube may be inserted beneath the skin for a couple of days to prevent fluid build-up and you may experience some pain, swelling, minor bleeding and temporary numbness in the treated areas. To control swelling and to help the healing process, you may need to wear pressure garments over the treated areas for a week or so. Dr. Csikai usually prescribes medications for pain and to prevent infections

When you undergo liposuction in Jacksonville at First Coast Plastic Surgery, the procedure is usually a lot of change to the body in most cases so be prepared for some swelling and bruising, and to feel stiff and sore for a few days following your procedure. Healing is a gradual process. D. Csikai will probably recommend that you start walking around as soon as possible to reduce swelling and to help prevent blood clots. You will begin to feel much better after about a week and can return to light work as soon as you feel that you are ready and most bruising and swelling will subside within two to three weeks. While you will notice a big difference in your appearance with the first few days after your procedure, you will most likely not see your true final results for about three to four months.

To assure that your new look lasts, maintain a healthy diet. Readinahealth has a great blog post about what to eat and what not to eat after your procedure. And if you are not already accustomed to regular exercise, explore the Internet to identify and begin a regular exercise routine that is appropriate for your age. If you simply continue the habits and daily routines of your life before liposuction, the fat you worked so hard to be rid of will return. Make your new look last forever with a healthy lifestyle!

Recovery After Liposuction

During recover after most liposuction procedures, patients usually experience some fluid drainage from the incisions. Occasionally, a small drainage tube may be inserted beneath the skin for a couple of days to prevent fluid build-up and you may experience some pain, swelling, minor bleeding and temporary numbness in the treated areas. To control swelling and to help the healing process, you may need to wear pressure garments over the treated areas for a week or so. Dr. Csikai usually prescribes medications for pain and to prevent infections

When you undergo liposuction in Jacksonville at First Coast Plastic Surgery, the procedure is usually a lot of change to the body so be prepared for some swelling and bruising, and to feel stiff and sore for a few days following your procedure. Healing is a gradual process. Dr. Csikai will probably recommend that you start walking around as soon as possible to reduce swelling and to help prevent blood clots. You will begin to feel much better after about a week and can return to light work as soon as you feel that you are ready and most bruising and swelling will subside within two to three weeks. While you will notice a big difference in your appearance with the first few days after your procedure, you will most likely not see your true final results for about three to four months.

To assure that your new look lasts, maintain a healthy diet. Readinahealth has a great blog post about what to eat and what not to eat after your procedure. And if you are not already accustomed to regular exercise, explore the Internet to identify and begin a regular exercise routine that is appropriate for your age. If you simply continue the habits and daily routines of your life before liposuction, the fat you worked so hard to be rid of will return. Make your new look last forever with a healthy lifestyle!

Schedule A Personal Consultation


First Coast Plastic Surgery is one of your best options for Jacksonville plastic surgery and med spa treatments. Dr. Csikai is a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon who is very attentive to his patient’s goals and desires. Meet with Dr. Csikai and you will quickly learn why he is one of Northeast Florida’s most sought after plastic surgeons.

Schedule A Personal Consultation


First Coast Plastic Surgery is one of your best options for Jacksonville plastic surgery and med spa treatments. Dr. Csikai is a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon who is very attentive to his patient’s goals and desires. Meet with Dr. Csikai and you will quickly learn why he is one of Northeast Florida’s most sought after plastic surgeons.

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First Coast Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Treatments

3616 Cardinal Point Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32257
Mon – Thu: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Fri: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Read over 450 patient reviews4.8 Stars | over 450 reviews

First Coast Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Treatments

3616 Cardinal Point Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32257
Mon – Thu: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Fri: 9:00am – 12:00pm

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